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Konferenzprogramm 2024

KEYNOTE: Trouble in the Old Republic — a Story of Relations and Relationships

A long time ago in a company far, far away…

It is a period of CHANGE at Galactic Enterprise Solutions. The economy is shifting. Apps, solutions, and legacy systems have to be adapted and improved to fit the market.

While investigating odd behavior of a mission-critical application, newest hire TESTER SAM finds himself in an age-old conflict between app development and the mysterious DATABASE-WOOKIE. To survive in his new role, he has to learn not only about ancient tech-artifacts, but also about natural differences in values, needs, and goals of his team members.

But in the REAL WORLD, a lot of agile best practices seem impossible to reach. Just when he is about to lose hope, Sam realizes that "UNICORN LAND" might mean something very different…

English below
Samuel Nitsche ist ein stets neugieriger Softwarentwickler, der seit den frühen 2000er Jahren programmiert, lernt und auf verschiedenste Art in der Software-Community mitwirkt.
Sein größtes Interesse gilt Softwarequalität, automatisierten Tests und modernder Datenbankentwicklung. Über diese Dinge spricht und schreibt er auf verschiedenen Plattformen und auf seiner Webseite (https://developer-sam.de).
Samuel ist Oracle ACE Award Träger, Gründungsmitglied des MASH Speaker-Mentor Programms und war einer der Open Source Entwickler und Maintainer von utPLSQL.
Als Workshop-Leiter, Speaker und Keynote-Speaker liebt er es, seine Erfahrungen auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise weiterzugeben - gerne in Zusammenarbeit mit sprechenden Stofftieren und Lichtschwert in der Hand.

Samuel Nitsche is a curiosity-driven software developer who programs, learns and collaborates in the software trade since the early 2000s. 
His primary interest is in code quality, modern database development, and automated testing, topics he writes regularly about on different platforms (e.g. his blog https://developer-sam.de, Simple-Talk, and several Oracle-related print magazines).
He is an Oracle ACE, a Symposium 42 member, a MASH (Mentor and Speaker Hub, http://mashprogram.wordpress.com) core member, and has been one of the main contributors and maintainers of utPLSQL (http://utplsql.org).
As a workshop facilitator, speaker, and keynote speaker he loves to share his experience in an entertaining way - gladly collaborating with plush animals and using lightsabers - at meetups and conferences.

Samuel Nitsche
Track: Keynote
18:15 - 19:00
Vortrag: KeyDi1
Themen: Inspiration

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