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Konferenzprogramm 2020

10 Things We Did to Relocate Testers from Waterfall Town to Agile City

When our Business bus moved to Agile city, the driver thought of hiring agile testers from agile city only to find out there is no one. There is no perfect agile tester, perfect agile testing team in the agile city, no magic wand that can solve challenges in relocation.

At the same time testers relocated to agile city from waterfall felt neglected, old-outdated, old-fashioned with their rigid ways of performing their tasks.

As a driver of the bus, what do you do?
How do you show paths of comfortability in this new city?
What measures do you put in place for progress? How do you make your testers feel like home?
How to develop testing skills that meet the demand?

Ride with us in a journey where testers buckle their seatbelts and becomes navigators, coaches and thrilled to be part of an unknown future.

But wait, what did drivers do with Business Managers?
How did the driver receive Business Managers approvals?
How did driver demonstrate Returns On Investments?

Presentation takeaways

  • Test Managers will learn how to lead in a new world, how to re-shape their testers skills to match needs, how to get management buy-in etc. etc.
  • Testers will learn about their career growth.
  • Business will learn the value of their Time / Money and Investment.
Monika Budhiraja is a Lead Software Engineer in Test at Grubhub, a developer at heart with a mindset of quality. In her current role, she is responsible for release system improvement for web / mobile web, iOS and Android native apps teams as fast as possible. Monika teaches and works with developers, designers, product to build a culture of quality while maintaining fast delivery. Over the years, she has advocated building, collaborating and developing simple processes in win-win situation environment. To her, it is a collaboration to make a difference.
Monika Budhiraja
14:50 - 15:25
Vortrag: Di 1.5

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