Hinweis: Die aktuelle German Testing Day Konferenz finden Sie hier!


Konferenzprogramm 2020

Continuous Integration? I Don't Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

Continuous Integration has become synonymous with CI-Servers and the concept of CI/CD-Pipelines. Unfortunately, you can have continuous delivery without continuous integration. Just as you can check in directly to 'production' without having trunk-based development. (And shouldn't trunk-based development should be called master based development nowadays?).

This session aims to debunk several misconceptions about good engineering practices and proposes some ways to get from cargo-cult agile (aka in-name-only-agile) to tangible results today.

Michael Mahlberg is a method-agnostic method consultant since the 1980s – In the beginning more in the areas of analysis, design and architecture, nowadays more in the area of processes and change. Mantra: Accept Reality.

Michael Mahlberg
10:35 - 11:10
Vortrag: Di 2.1

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