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Konferenzprogramm 2020

Eröffnung + Keynote: Delivery is still all about people

Have you ever wondered why the same problems seem to keep trickling down to the testing phase?  The specification was misinterpreted, the test case wasn’t right, the software didn’t meet requirements...

Lindsay’s work on organizational alignment puts this down to ‘The Fog’: a confusion caused by misunderstandings, biases, assumptions, different interpretations, behaviours, and information gaps, among other things.  While a certain amount of Fog is inevitable, it can build up between people to cause serious misalignment, leading to cost and frustration. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Lindsay’s conference opener takes us through a story of how she began to recognize The Fog, understand what’s behind it, and see what can be done to clear it. This is a keynote about complexity, empowerment, learning and organizational maturity for today’s dynamic workplaces.

Lindsay Uittenbogaard (ABC) is Founder and Principal Consultant of the Mirror Mirror team alignment process. She started her career managing small businesses before spending 15 years in employee communication roles with multinational organisations in the energy, IT, and telecommunications industries. It was the difference between micro and macro working environments that sparked an insatiable curiosity in how people perceive things differently and the profound implication of that on business performance.

An IABC Accredited Business Communicator, Lindsay is also a certified member of the Reputation Institute and a published author in the Gower Handbook on Internal Communication 2008. She holds a Creative Arts degree with honours, post-graduate diplomas in International Business Communication Management, and Broadcast Journalism, and is certified by the CIPD.
Lindsay Uittenbogaard
Track: Keynote
09:00 - 10:05
Vortrag: KeyDi

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