Die im Konferenzprogramm des GTD digital 2021 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
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Der Track+ besteht aus Präsentationen der Sponsoren und unterliegt somit nicht der Qualitätssicherung des Conference Boards.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es für vereinzelte Workshops eine Teilnehmerbeschränkung gibt. Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie in den Workshop-Beschreibungen.
Do you use test automation in your company, but still facing huge manual maintanance efforts in many other areas of the test life-cycle? Do you, for example, have this annoying daily routine of checking hundreds of failed test cases before the real problem is found?
AI4T (Advanced Intelligence for Testing) is aiming to go beyond just automating test execution. Cutting-edge techologies like machine learning are leveraged to take a big step towards the vision of a fully automated test life-cycle.
In this talk, we focus on how to maximize automation in many testing activities to reduce boring and repeditive tasks.
Target Audience: Test automation engineers, developers, test and project managers
Prerequisites: A basic knowledge in software testing and test automation is beneficial. No development knowledge required.
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
To keep up with today's fast-paced software development world, automation is essential to provide rapid feedback on software quality. One of the key drivers for businesses to succeed is the need for faster time to market and lean quality assurance. For this reason, processes throughout the entire test lifecycle must be accelerated through advanced intelligent automation.
In this talk, we move beyond automated test execution by making QA-related processes more comprehensive, scalable, and faster. With AI4T, we have developed approaches that take big steps towards a fully automated test life cycle.
We will tackle the following questions that often occur in a usual day of a test engineer and / or developer:
Our use-cases aim to provide new cutting-edge inspirations and solutions to these research questions.
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