Die im Konferenzprogramm des GTD 2022 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
Gerne können Sie die Konferenzprogramm auch mit Ihren Kolleg:innen und/oder über Social Media teilen.
Der Track+ besteht aus Präsentationen der Sponsoren und unterliegt somit nicht der Qualitätssicherung des Conference Boards.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es für vereinzelte Workshops ggf. eine Teilnehmendenbeschränkung gibt. Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie in den Workshop-Beschreibungen.
Ever wondered how experienced testers provide feedback quickly, discover unknown unknowns, and find that issue yet again on the first touch of the application? Let's lift the curtain together and discover the magic behind exploratory testing - as an ensemble. Whether you identify yourself as a developer, product person, tester, or anything else, whether you consider yourself a newbie or rather experienced, you are welcome to join this ensemble. Let's practice and explore together!
Maximum number of participants: 25
Target Audience: Testers, developers, product owners, UX, business analysts - anyone on a product development team
Prerequisites: Participant required equipment: Laptop with permission to install applications
Level: Basic
Having graduated in sinology, Lisi fell into agile and testing in 2009 and has been infected with the agile bug ever since. She's especially passionate about the whole-team approach to testing and quality as well as the continuous learning mindset behind it. Building great products which deliver value together with great people is what motivates her and keeps her going. She received a lot from the community; now she's giving back by sharing her stories and experience. She tweets as @lisihocke and blogs at www.lisihocke.com. In her free time you can either find her in the gym running after a volleyball, having a good time with her friends or delving into games and stories of any kind.