Hinweis: Die aktuelle German Testing Day Konferenz finden Sie hier!


Die im Konferenzprogramm des GTD 2022 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).

Gerne können Sie die Konferenzprogramm auch mit Ihren Kolleg:innen und/oder über Social Media teilen.

Der Track+ besteht aus Präsentationen der Sponsoren und unterliegt somit nicht der Qualitätssicherung des Conference Boards.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es für vereinzelte Workshops ggf. eine Teilnehmendenbeschränkung gibt. Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie in den Workshop-Beschreibungen. 

Konferenzprogramm 2022

Love at first site - Visual Testing explained

Functional testing is evolving – digital confidence is more important than ever and visual testing is a rapidly emerging technique that is enabling organisations to push the boundaries of traditional test automation.

This presentation introduces visual testing, explains what visual defects are and will show some recent examples found on the web. It will then go on to explain some of the ways you can capture these defects within your testing processes utilizing Sauce Visual solution and hypothetical impact on your existing test automation strategy.

Yi Min is an EMEA-based Senior Solution Engineer working for Sauce Labs. He has been in the IT industry for 9+ years in various roles, including being a Software Engineer, QA Engineer, IT consultant and less technical roles like Scrum Master among others. As a Senior Solution Engineer Yi Min helps customers with their testing journey by advising and developing solutions for each and everyone's unique requirements and tech stack. He is comfortable in facilitating communication and collaboration between business and IT teams and presenting in front of business leaders. When not working Yi Min can be found playing Badminton, mountain biking, playing computer games or tinkering with home automation.

Yi Min Yang
Track: Track+
13:00 - 13:45
Vortrag: Di3.3

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