Die im Konferenzprogramm des GTD 2022 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
Gerne können Sie die Konferenzprogramm auch mit Ihren Kolleg:innen und/oder über Social Media teilen.
Der Track+ besteht aus Präsentationen der Sponsoren und unterliegt somit nicht der Qualitätssicherung des Conference Boards.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es für vereinzelte Workshops ggf. eine Teilnehmendenbeschränkung gibt. Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie in den Workshop-Beschreibungen.
In the workshop, I will use a practical example to introduce the testing of Internet of Things (IoT). In doing so, it is of considerable importance that the participants get an impression of the possibilities for testing IoT devices that are not physically available in emulators. In addition, I will discuss how they can build on their current knowledge and experience in software testing for specialization in IoT testing. There will also be a practical example demonstrating how to emulate an…
During my career in IT and people development I had several turning points where I either was made to use journaling techniques or experimented with them myself to successfully tackle the next challenge. Over the years I reflected why those 'written self-reflection' techniques are so powerful and - at the same time - they are still quite rarely used in the business context.
Maximum number of participants: 40
Extended Abstract:
During my career in IT and people development I had several turning…