
Thema: Holistic Testing

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  • Dienstag
, (Dienstag, 13.Mai 2025)
16:45 - 17:20
Di 2.2
Empowering DevOps with Holistic Testing: Bridging Development and Operations Smoothly

A successful DevOps project is quite challenging. What do we need to operate the application, if we only worked in developing it up to now?  Testing activities keep the running system in mind: Maintainance, reliability, stability, usability e.g. as quality characteristics in IEEE 25010, a guideline during testing, as well as the basis for Ops. Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispins holistic DevOps loop is a great visualization.

The talk gives real world scenarios where adopting the holistic testing…

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Steffen Schild
Vortrag: Di 2.2
